Monday, October 16, 2023

two poems

"A New Song"

There are so many ways light gives light,
To the day. To the love God imparts,
Unto all people, to the hearts,
That he shapes with clay,
Forever more there is no weight,
Over time, timeless vertigo, her song donning lampstands,
Vine of the spine relieved,
Into a brand new expression, an endless exultation,
A heart leaps into the air, right out, spinning,
Lands right beside me and fills me up with honey,
And we dwell placidly inside each other, the love, the heart,
With loving, tender care, heartfelt prayer,
Right from up there, horizons,
Making eternity beat on with wind chimes.

  by Ben Bussewitz

"The Time it Takes to Say Us"

How many times will we
pass by in our slender ways
the will of each other,
the heart of each other's shape,
in the chocolate boxes that bring perfect shape,
and the apartments that bring life so great,
living together in love as soulmates,
how long will it take for you to say okay?
Okay, okay, alas, 'tis me,
that is the way you would like me to believe,
but are you always okay
with the things that you breathe?
And I breathe in you and you breathe in me.
And we breathe in love and peace.

  by Ben Bussewitz

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

a poem

 The Only Path

In the leafs of the Fall falling down on the yards,
The wind keeps on flowing through,
Time spent on the lawn,
The weather is frightening and I know where I belong,
Aside the top of the mountain,
Down to the boulevard,
Away to another moment,
Alive with the one true God,
Jesus Christ, my best friend.

by Ben Bussewitz

Thursday, October 5, 2023

a poem

“The Time Spent in Dublin”

The fearful Dedalus etched,
The fearful Taygasus Kalimera,
A calamari fried cheese pomegranate,
Of good stock built with utmost caliber,
Clear, blue eyes approaching the dock,
For the miles of nuanced talk,
About times when all was not a lot,
Before the breezes blew ratcheting,
Porticos of seashells and beaded hair.

by Ben Bussewitz MM

a poem

“God’s Way of Love”     From the depths of the ocean, To the Son’s most wild wave, I love her completely, totally, For all shini...