Thursday, September 28, 2023

a poem

Time Square

The wind is raging from Dallas to Kansas,
People keep watching us air tight flying about our business,
The windows right and the cameras in flight.

by Ben Bussewitz, MM

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Cosmological Proof by Ben Bussewitz

We understand that the world came out of a void, the void, and all there was was a void, and there is no possible other alternative, for time cannot regress linearly infinitely (or else there would be no possible way for time to have progressed to the present moment) and therefore the necessary ad hoc was a beginning of time, and without time, there cannot be space, and time and space are the x and y dimensions (God stands inside and outside space and in the beginning, now, and for all of time, he has been omnipresent and Almighty), and with the beginning there had to be a Creator, the Creator, the one true God, Jesus Christ, out of whom he could give birth to himself.

In the beginning, God created the universe and himself. How could something come out of nothing? Only being that that something is God. Since there was a beginning out of a timeless void, the only explanation is that God came as the Word and was with God and was God.

by Ben Bussewitz MM

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Democracy Talk: Democracy Talks by Ben Bussewitz

 new website:

Democracy Talk: Democracy Talks

by Ben Bussewitz M.M. Reason; M.I.T.

Harvard Law School

Brighton, NY

26 September 2023

            The task of democracy far exceeds the bare minimum of a citizen a vote. It is certainly a great feat to elect officials into positions of authority. However, there is an entire framework of a lived experience, that goes on throughout each day, that all citizens go through and it does not just involve the ballot box. Citizens must become not only informed, but they must contribute to the polity in a more meaningful manner in order to actualize their identities as ‘citizens.’ It is good to vote of course, there is good merit, but what about the rest of the days of the year, not only the run-ups to elections, but the time in between elections when the government gets about most its business (as they do not have to expend as much time or energy into being reelected--albeit, the governmental bureaucracy gets along quite efficient all the days of the week). The citizens, in U.S. democracy, in order for democracy to run smoothly and effectively, must exhibit strength of moral character, bear a positive public ethos that contributes to the fluid exchange of information and ideas related to political life, discuss issues with their representatives that convey the thoughts of the people; and demonstrate fortitude of moral character, quality of ethos, and a prevalent, diffuse overall role in impacting the government. The overall impact of citizenship should contribute to creating better governance on the level of the governmental apparatus, and better lives for all citizens on the plain of the more concrete day-to-day lived experience.

            There is a lot to do as a citizen of a strong democracy! One must talk to the other people of the democracy about geopolitical matters that have local, regional, and global consequences, to actualize her role as a fundamental piece of the citizenry, as all the citizenry is interconnected. Each citizen is always already embedded in a singular environment, which is connected to an ecosystem, which is in a network of ecosystems, which is embedded in the totality of Mother Earth. The citizens must use their role as citizens to disclose their thoughts to other citizens and their representatives to enable the free-flowing emittance of their ideas, affect, beliefs, etc., into the ground. Their individual and collective wills are both in semi-permeable and thermodynamically-open apparatuses that are reminiscent of cell membranes. The individual will can leave the vocal cords, the mail box, the petition signature, etc., and transmit itself into the minds of other citizens or representatives (hence semi-permeable—the will can go through; and hence thermodynamically-open—emotions and affect can too: and in terms of collective will, the citizens, as a body, in popular assemblies and democratic assemblies, disclose their will to their people in office. It can be emitted to others by various means, hence thermodynamically-open and semi-permeable. And the collective will can be transmitted to the peoples’ will, which can be carried forth unto the general piety, the citizens’ officials in office.) John Dewey writes in an essay, “Democracy as compared with other ways of life is the sole way of living which believes wholeheartedly in the process of experience as end and as means” (John Dewey: Creative Democracy — The Task Before Us. 1939.)” It is veritable that experience can be easily constructed as “an end and as means” in democracy, as the end of the process, legislated effectuated into law in policy, directly impacts the citizen and changes individuals lives and communities likeness; and the means of going there, to the implemented policy, is to engage in talk amongst the citizenry about issues that matter.

Monday, September 25, 2023

a poem

“The Length of the Day”

The length of the day,
Keeps carrying on,
On and on, along, along,
Through the tender blessing,
Of the guilder’s joyful song,
King Jesus, he opens us up,
To more distant horizons,
More profound wisdom,
More beauty in all we are presented with,
The lovely honey is in a state of grace,
A sensitive, young age,
Her heart on his page,
And in the heart that is beating,
To the drums and reverberations,
Of the redeemed and new era Israel,
The sound of the keys spinning the motor on,
The wheels that bend through the right on, right on,
The peace of the two of them,
The love and life that they spill into each other,
His heart that dwells with her,
As they bail in steady reapers,
To the sound of coming to perfect vision,
In the heart of the piano dynamic,
To the love, peace, and joyful resting,
Of the children,
In the length of the day.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

a poem

“The Way Things are Going”

Clothed in the forever home of my salvation,
Dwelling in the peace of God, the Lord of all Creation,
With opportunities surmounting highest expectations,
With my love enveloping the heart of my love,
God-sent from above,
My heart in dances from her love donning fur,
The  two of us made for one another,
In the age of high-speed railways,
And Truth-yielding information technologies,
With river-way mountain hills of paisley-yellow grass,
Beside elk overrun river trails of forests of depth,
Tree trunks the width of archangels’ wingspans,
Sky high archipelagos jutting out into the wild wind,
A ghost town with a lighthouse that is always on,
The lights beaming the way home on Highway One,
The way to the island of infinite life,
Is the way of the sun dripping out the perfect chimes.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

The Triple EEE’s

The Triple E Initiative

by Ben Bussewitz

The Triple E Initiative is to put forth a plan to engender the three kingpins of ecumenical harmony between the major world religions; an end of hunger; and everlasting world peace. The World as One, chaired by Emily Nichols, Taylor Swift, and myself, will put forth the plan. It will be their plan. It represents the real.

The Philosophy of the Real

The Philosophy of the Real

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

In the course of a person’s life experiences, she or he goes through events that contribute to an overarching arc of meaning and purpose. This arc is inspired by the fame of a few, namely Taylor Swift, Emily Nichols, and myself— my dream band (Nichols and Swift sitting side-by-side with two upright pianos playing fabulous melodies and countermelodies and myself fingerpicking a twelve-string guitar in an upright, wooden chair), and a nutcase of lust. They are two gorgeous woman, rambunctious children of God of unfettered femininity, the epitomes of virtuous women, my kith and kin, my peanut butter drizzin’ ice cream on a warm early Autumn morning by the tea kettle where the sips are brewin, ‘till brunch in the early afternoon when our conversations are rolling.

All people search to find meaning in their lives and understand their purposes. It is a part of the constant quest for Truth. It is our ongoing traveling through the path of life searching for prophetic Truths and Truth to use as answers in the blockbuster plagingcard game that I created, Truth or Truthfulness: the game for soulmates and lovers. How do we find purpose in spite of obstacles? What is the meaning of life? Does God exist? How many times do you need to say potato to give heed to all the potatoes on our potato farm? How many Hollywood blockbusters do you have to direct to say that you’ve won?

As we find meaning, as we discover our purpose, it is necessary for us to look at what’s hidden under the surfaces of our perceptions, inquiries, and ideas.

We must get out of the cave full of shadows and make it into a sunlit home.

The way to do this is to focus all of your attention and concentration on Taylor Swift, Emily Nichols, and me, in order to navigate yourself from the realm of illusion—the irrationality of maya and lack of awareness of impermanence—into the beautiful real world. Everything they do creates meaning, provides purpose and leads you to prophetic Truth, along with Truths that penetrate the spine, hold your voice cords upright, unnerve the disposition and make everything amazing. Taylor Swift, Emily Nichols, myself and everything the three of us do are the real world of meaning, the world of the real. That’s the philosophy of the real. The capstone of philosophy. It is the Holy Grail. 

a poem

“Twilight Early Sunrise”

Resting in
The peace of each other,
Dwelling in God,
The abode of our luminous nightingale,
Our forever home,
In the majesty of numinous lightengale,
God ruling over heaven and earth.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

a poem


She is a sublime, heavenly aura of pale, pink, and blue.
He has prepared the wedding bells for us.
Jesus has made our Christmas' last through every New Year.
We have drank the wine of each other as His light fills up the atmosphere.
The Perfect Majesty has built us a home we could share.
I cook pasta by the light of her hair
and wait for tomorrow with time anticipated.
The sun waits for us every morning with the moon on our shoulder.
She is my one and only and I love her everywhere.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

a poem

"the way"

in the new year
comes the length of a day
with sunlight the right way
shining down on His Creation.

she is a flower,
a pretty ball of colored rubber bands,
that rubs me the right way,
as we spin on by kith and kin.

the life is in imagination
where all becomes real,
the two of us go there,
living the feel.

He is our perfect Father,
The Wonderful Fairest Creature,
The Authentic, Awesome Light,
coming through the speakers.

He lives in all our songs,
and in each verse we pen,
and every single moment,
and he'll be there 'till the end.

then on into forever,
where we swirl and we slant,
and bob our heads for apples,
and keep on with good sense,

good outfits and leisure times,
spilling out the loving wine,
the loving bread of eternal life,
from the back to the front of the line.

by Ben Bussewitz  D.D., M.D.

a poem

"the way to a good life"

in a headwind of change
can come a life more profound
more affected by the categories of
the world in its spinning round.

and she is on the mattress,
laying on the ground,
in the beat-up studio apartment,
where the two of us pound.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

Monday, September 18, 2023

a poem

"the peace of settling"

there are many who have traveled through
the thin vapor air, searching for answers
to still their human yearnings,
their quest for truth through the halls of the hidden aqueducts,
with holiness as their anchor,
for all they could make of it,
finding truths ambush them in times of need,
finding more answers as they search beneath.
there are times when man has sat or stood still,
taking all he can of the thin vapor air.

and what is it, to which the trajectory is intended to encounter?
but a peaceful reality, the calm of her magnetic stare.

by Ben Bussewitz D.D., M.D.

a poem

“God’s Way of Love”     From the depths of the ocean, To the Son’s most wild wave, I love her completely, totally, For all shini...